Buying A New Car

There are many things that you must consider when buying a new car. Most will have to do with the car itself such as what model to buy- the options you want to add- and the price of the car. However there is one thing that it always pays to check out first- and that is- who are you buying the car from.


Car insurance companies prefer lady drivers to their gentlemen counterparts because they are considered as much less risky drivers.It is not that the accident rates of ladies are low. They face as many accidents as males do


Is it time to get a new car? Do you want to purchase a new car to replace your current worn down vehicle? If yes is your answer- then you might want to think about your purchase and getting a loan for your new investment


America has become a culture of cars-SUV's- minivans and sports coupes. With all this traveling in and out- back and forth around the maze that is the United States infrastructure


If you do have an accident with the outside or the inside of the car - you may have to pay for the cost. You will also only be allowed to put on so many miles in your lease period. This is hard for many people that do drive a lot

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Download TRANSMORMERS 3 : Dark Of The Moon



Tanggal Rilis : 29 June 2011 (USA)
Jenis Film : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Diperankan Oleh : Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Tyrese Gibson

Ringkasan Cerita FILM TRANSFORMERS 3: DARK Of THE MOON (2011) :

Pemerintah Amerika selama ini ternyata tak sepenuhnya jujur mengungkapkan apa yang mereka ketahui. Selama bertahun-tahun mereka mencoba mencari tahu tentang keberadaan makhluk hidup lain selain manusia yang menghuni bumi namun mereka tak pernah mengatakan kalau sebenarnya mereka telah memiliki sejumlah bukti.

Saat Apollo 11 mendarat di bulan, ternyata para astronot ini menemukan bukti-bukti keberadaan makhluk hidup dari luar bumi. Mereka menemukan bangkai kapal yang ternyata adalah kapal yang mengangkut muatan yang konon bisa mengakhiri perang besar antara Autobots dan Decepticons. Pesawat ini mendarat darurat di bulan dan bangkainya ditemukan oleh para astronot Amerika Serikat.

Tak ada yang tahu keberadaan kapal ini sampai Autobots menemukan bukti-bukti lokasi kapal ini. Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen) dan kawan-kawan pun berangkat ke bulan untuk mencari tahu kebenarannya. Mereka menemukan Sentinel Prime (Leonard Nimoy, mantan pemimpin Autobots, dalam keadaan koma dan membawanya pulang ke bumi. Ternyata, tanpa sepengetahuan Autobots, ada rencana jahat untuk mengambil alih Galaksi Bima Sakti demi kepentingan Cybertron. Dalam kondisi kritis seperti ini, sekali lagi Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) harus ikut terjun membantu para Autobots.

| Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | DVDRip
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Credit to original uploaders

| Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | BRRip
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Titipan Erick : One Peace Chapter 517

nih .. gw gatau tapi bener apa nggak ini chapter 517 chapter baru apa nggak , hahahahaa :D